Saturday, 24 October 2015

A sad farewell to my property

So it's official and I'm finally getting a minute to let people know that I am relocating the entire property. Due to very tight timeframes, please excuse my lack of communication in the meantime. This video is to say 'Thank you' to all of you who have been part of the journey.

Finally, a moment to share what actually happened.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Vale ESB Irish Nimbus

He had many roles and became such a wonderful friend to so many people and will be greatly missed. Thank you buddy for your help, loyalty, reliability and companionship. I hope you RIP and will be forever grazing the 'long acre' oxo

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

We are excited and proud to be the official sponsors of the new ESB Young Event Horse Challenge event at Melbourne International Three Day Event this weekend, because it encourages objective selection of the traits required for international quality eventer horses, regardless of colour, markings and fashionable bloodlines. Good luck everyone!

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Truck junior update

She finally gets some signwriting!

Now to get back in the saddle and on the road :)

Monday, 4 May 2015

Sorry, but we'll ...

... just have to keep you guessing for a bit longer :)

To celebrate our next chapter

ESB has become the official sponsor of the Melbourne International 3de
Young Event Horse Challenge for 4,5 and 6 year olds

Major announcement

We're in the groove and on the move!
Details coming soon :)

Thursday, 23 April 2015

How time flies ...

... where does time go? Life is so crazy that trying to keep up with a regular blog is very obviously too hard! So, after another successful foaling season and seven more lovely ESB babies, I turned my attention back to competing. I was still struggling to get my Troopie (Landcruiser) sorted so that I had a proper towing vehicle. The local 4x4 business had taken it in August to replace the engine and I had paid them $6,000 but it still wasn't fixed. After much grief in trying to find a solution I have unfortunately had to place the matter with my solicitor.

In the meantime, I purchased 'Bessie' (now known as Truck Junior or TJ) and decided to restore her so that I could get the horses back on the road. Little did I know what I was taking on! Even with the help of true and trusted friends, it has taken me over two and a half months, working full time on her to bring her up to speed.

Here is the result: