Monday, 20 October 2014

New ESB babies

ESB Golden Bonnie - a lovely view from my kitchen window :)

ESB Golden Ayr

Sunday, 12 October 2014

ESB Irish Nimbus hiding after being found guilty of breaking into the feed area and demolishing what he could as well as tipping over a bucket of molasses.

Words cannot express what it means to have the old man home again. ESB Irish Endeavour has rallied after his illness and seems to be comfortable again. Thank you all so much for sending in your best wishes, it really helped!


Love, love, love it! Special friends Lottie Lawler and her mum Frith bring my colours in for afternoon tea!


Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Eddie (ESB Irish Endeavour 4* eventer) is really sick but being well looked after by Will and Emily with the aim of bringing him back home as soon as possible. He has given us all so much and now deserves a dignified end, so please send him your thoughts, prayers and good wishes :(

Monday, 1 September 2014

The first day of spring, yay!


The mares are looking great! Very pregnant and content.

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Such lovely mornings at this time of year.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Great news!

Most people know ESB Irish Nimbus, he is an institution! He has been quite unwell and we were starting to fear the worst (he is nearly 20 yrs old). He has been scoped and had an ultra sound (see his clipped girth area) to discover large tum...ours in his mediastinum (the area in the chest between the lungs, that contains the heart, the aorta, the trachea and the oesophagus). Well after much fuss and many discussions about what to do next, he has rallied to graze the 'long acre' yet again as 'Charlie the Unicorn'! Bless him oxo
ESB Irish Fiddle has come out of retirement at 17 and after .... 4* competitions and is happy to be back in work!
Fiddle with his new friend Sorrel Porteous in the UK


Saturday, 2 August 2014

Add caption
My office after working on the website, agggh! Time to pack up and get back in the saddle.

Please let me know if I've made any errors or if you have any updates, comments or photos that you'd like to add.

You can email me -

or text me - 0417 363 710
It's amazing what you find when you start digging out old stuff!

Monday, 28 July 2014

Testing mobile blog - yay baby, it worked!

Sunday, 27 July 2014


I'm so pleased with the feedback and response to the new website, thanks to everyone who has contributed. I know that there is more information and photos coming in and I'll upload them asap. Please feel free to update me with any information via an email ( or via the online form HERE.

It's been awesome catching up with owners and riders, new and old, and I just love hearing all your news, so please feel free to share it. Happy riding VJH.

Monday, 7 July 2014

We'll get better at updating this page once the new website is finished :/